I haven't got any grand plans for 2010 - I'm happy to continue with my current projects until the mood strikes me take on something new. Well actually, I am going to start Phebe but I'm counting this as a 2009 plan rather than 2010.
I managed to get my GTASB block finished last night.

Next months pack arrived during the week - it looks delish.

Have no more new work to show you - it's been too hot to sew much. But I will show you this quilt because 2010 is the year it gets on the wall. And it fits in with the posts Cathy and Joan have submitted recently. Hope you gals like my blue and white china collection.

I love it more than any I have made but it's been sitting in a cupboard waiting to be quilted for years! So I need to do it don't you agree? Here's a detail.

It started out as a BOM - but I ditched most of the fabrics they sent with it. Mainly kept the backgrounds and substituted the applique fabrics as I found them. It was fun to choose just the right pieces for each pot. Took a couple of years but I was in no hurry. Here's another bit.

And of course the new banner is another detail.
I'm sure I had more things to tell you - but my head is surprisingly empty. Must be all the R & R I'm getting over the Christmas - NY down period.
Looking forward to seeing all your wonderful 2010 projects,
Absolutely stupendous quilt Deb, yes put it down for quilting. Is it hand or machine appliqued? I can't tell, it's that good. I love seeing your GTASB blocks coming along. Lets hope we get lots of stitching done this year.
Oh I adore your blue and white china collection Deb...I can't believe you have made this quilt and had it sitting in your cupboard, oh yes, it's time to quilt it!!! I have this pattern and have been to overwhelmed to start on it. It's a stunner. Your work is amazing. Oh, and Happy New Year to you too! xo
dear deb,what a wonderful work you did,happy new year,susi
Wow!! What a magnificent quilt!! I love your fabric choices too.
I look forward to seeing it quilted!
Happy New Year! I hope 2010 brings you plenty of sewing time.
OMG!! That is one spectacular quilt!!! I love the blues so much! I hope you get it quilted so we can all admire it some more! Have a wonderful New Year!
I love, love, love your blue and white china collection. Beautiful!
Wow, your quilt is stunning! Beautiful details throughout! I'm glad you've put it in your header. It's good to see something sunny in the middle of winter.
This quilt definately needs to be quilted this year and on display. I love the jewel colours. Thanks for a good
blog. Lesley
I love your blue and white china! Thanks for the detail pictures - there is so much to look at on this quilt. It will be marvelous quilted.
well your really off to a wonderful start to 2010... your quilt is absolutely stunning!!
oh my gosh I have always LOVED this quilt, its one I would love to make someday.
YES please you need to hand quilt this one this year!
its just sooooooo beautiful
Too funny! I can't believe that you did this quilt top, Cathy has the pattern, and I DO TOO! In fact, I have all the fabrics as I bought it as a kit. I bought it many years ago and was TOTALLY in love with it, until I screwed up the firs block (teapot) and never took another stitch. I've been looking through some of my old stuff and have been trying to decide which projects to finish and which to just pass on. Seeing you quilt top makes me want to take another look at this one. Maybe I can get Cathy to do hers, too.
This quilt is STUNNING! Great job!!!
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