Sunday, September 6, 2009

Green Tea

If you have a Dad in your life, I hope you are having a lovely day. I have secreted myself away from Father's Day so that I can upload some pictures...but I can't be long!

First picture today is of my next Green tea and sweet beans block. I am really enjoying this BOM. It is not the sort of fabric I normally buy in large amounts, so the BOM is a good way to make a lovely quilt without the leftovers. There are another four blocks for this month. The others are pieced rather than appliqued.

I have also made a little more progress on the Pennsylvania quilt. Keep in mind that most of these blocks have been made some time ago and I am just sewing together or doing minor things. For these pieces I am appliqeing the leaves on the border. I have nearly finished all four borders and then I can make up the centre square.

I am really enjoying working on this again. And I now recall the reason I stopped. There was a piece of material that started to disintegrate. Not sure if the fabric was faulty or not - actually I think I may have scorched it in my quest for pressing perfection (which I have now grown out of). But parts of it started to fall to pieces and I couldn't go on! Part of my task now is to go over the finished pieces very carefully and remove damaged parts then replace them. Not fun since I hate redoing things.

I have also been crocheting squres - 66 in all - although some don't have their blue borders as I have run out of that colour. I need 90 to make the quilt so not far to go!

And last but not least for today. As I said in my profile, I have a neglected garden. But about 18 months ago I started to put in some work because I would really love to have a pretty space out back. So I couldn't resist showing you the first Dutch Iris I have ever grown. Quite proud I am!

Isn't she beautiful? Until next time folks.....Oh and thanks Janet for mentioning my blog and Get well soon Kathie. I hope your foot gets better soon.




grandmarockton said...


Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

Gorgeous blocks there Deb. I'm thinking I should have joined the Amitie one, yours is lovely. Your Pennsylvania one is amazing. xo

Janet said...

I love the fabrics they chose for the sweet beans bom. I'm not familiar with the PA quilt, obviously a reproduction but it looks stunning so far. The fabric sounds a little fragile but glad you are re-doing those parts. You've reminded me about some crochet blocks I have stashed away. You're welcome re the shout out, I hope lots of visitors come your way.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Your applique is just gorgeous! I've only done some beginner applique with fusing but hope to learn to do other methods. It's fun!

I'm also learning to stitch and working on my first cross stitch project on real linen. It's enjoyable too.

Now to find more time....

Juliann said...

Have just found your blog today and love your work. Can you tell me the name of the pattern that you are using for that beautiful Pennsylvania applique?

antique quilter said...

oh I am so happy your working on this quilt again, it is beautiful. Love your fabric choices too.
The bom looks fun, not my fabric choices either but for this quilt it just makes it happy and I like that
great block
Love your Iris one of my favorite flowers.
Crocheting too, boy I bet your never bored!!!!
Glad to see your finding time this weekend to work on your projects LOVE seeing the pictures of your work!
keep sharing.

Lori said...

I came by way of Janet. You do beautiful applique! I love the quilting blocks you are working on.

Miriam said...

I love the Pennsylvania quilt. I hope you are successful in repairing the fragile parts.

Ann Marie said...

Just found your blog through Janet. Read back through all your posts. Beautiful work (especially the Indiana Rising Sun") and a reference to the Mighty Boosh have me hooked!

Cardygirl said...

Your pennsylvania quilt is lovely...I hate reverse stitching too! Your BOM is really fun.

Olive Tree said...

Hi,it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!

Karen said...

Wonderful applique blocks!!

wishes, true and kind said...

Hi! Popping over from quiltsalot. Love your work!!!

Millie en Miles said...

Love you re blog I am coming back !!!

Karen said...

What I see of your Pennsylvania quilt looks very interesting!

Anonymous said...

so amazing digitizing companies nice stitches !

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