My office at work is actually just as bad! It's amazing that I can find anything but actually I can do it better than if I tidy up. So this is now going to be by mantra when anyone comments on my apparent shambolic existence - I have a very creative mind!
The last few weeks I have been working exclusively on Sallie Ann - trying to finish the first corner block. Nearly there
As a consequence my Imperial blooms project hasn't developed much. The third month's materials arrived, but I haven't even finished month one.
I'm sure I will get into it when the weather cools off. A bit humid in Melbourne to be handling wool.
Oh - and some inspiration. You may have already seen this book in blogland
so many gorgeous vintage style crochet projects suitable for teenage girls and their middle aged mothers.
Movie Review: Me and my girl went to see "Griff the Invisible" last night. I'm not sure you will be able to find it if you live outside of Australia, but if you can it is well worth it. It is very quirky, original, Australian humour, about a couple of 20 somethings who live in their own make believe worlds. Great acting and production and a lovely message about accepting people for who they are. We thoroughly enjoyed it.
Tomorrow I'm off to the footy with my boy, and Monday I am videoing some of the band's last night at the Evelyn where they have been playing for quite some time. So not much sewing will be happening.
Hope you are all having a great weekend - relaxing, enjoying family and remembering that there is life outside work.
Big Hugs,