Well weekend actually. The weather here in Melbourne is glorious. Warm and bright with not too much of the Spring wind. Time for a little bit of gardening this afternoon......very satisfying to see some green before the summer hits and scorches everything in sight.
The weekend has been perfect because every family member has been off happily doing their own thing. Yesterday my thing was Secret Sewing.....my favourite day of the month. For some reason I was more than usually excited to see the girls yesterday - maybe because I wanted to tell them about my blog. And it seems that they were all the same. It was a great day - plenty of conversation (sometimes many at once) lots of laughter, delicious food, and of course many projects to show, comment on, offer advice and plan. I think one of us actually sewed something - but of course this is not strictly necessary. Here's a photo of (most of) the gang

Back row left to right: Meghan, Ann, Merri, Julie, Kerry
Front row left to right: Chris, Di, Sue
Missing: Deb (on camera duty), Clare and Barb (both off galivanting elsewhere)
They are such a creative group of women - just the perfect way to spend a day. I have suggested the idea of starting a group blog, so they could all show you their own projects. I think they quite like the idea, so I'll let you know if it happens.
Chris was the hostess for the day - thank you Chris, it was lovely. My turn next month - what will I cook? what will I wear? ...so many decisions AARGH!
I snapped a couple of photos of things in progress

Here is Ann (right) with Merri. Ann is just starting the DNQTTT quilt which you can see. She wins the achievement award for yesterday because by the time we had ended for the day Ann had cut all the pieces for the centre and there are quite a few. This version is going to have a real civil war feel about it I think.
Here is Merri's current project

it's another stunner. The group decided they would try and make a version of a Kim McLean quilt called Turkish Tiles based on a photo from QNM. Well by the time Meghan redesigned and drew the centre panel and Di redesigned the outside blocks - I'm not sure how much of the original is left. So maybe it needs a new name - perhaps Homage to Turkish Tiles! I'm not making this one - I wanted to finish some others, but boy am I sorry now! Oh well add it to the to do list.
Enough of the girls - they need their own blog don't they?
My sewing is not very focused right now. I am waiting for my CWB background to come - but while waiting I thought I would start to design the blocks. Here is number 1

placement is a little on the wonky side, but hey - it's only pinned. I am using a combination of a starter pack that I bought at
Threadbear and pieces from my stash. If you are thinking of making this quilt I highly recommend the starter pack.
I have also finished the last two blocks of GTASB for the month.

Very enjoyable project if you like simple hand piecing.
What else - oh yes - PA progress. I have started piecing together the next round of applique blocks

I wanted to put this all together but the brown fabric in the background is the one I'm short of so I'll wait until my new lot comes in. So much waiting and I'm Sooooooo impatient. Maybe someone's trying to tell me something. The colours are much more rich in real life.
Next two blocks on the way are this one

and this one

as you can see I haven't finished it yet. But it's well on the way. Did I tell you before that I'm really enjoying this one? Yes, No? Well I am.
I think that's it for the week. Except to say that I've made so many great contacts through this blog - it has been really fabulous to be able to connect with so many people who enjoy the creative process of "craft" in its various forms. But one special person has been really encouraging and enthusing me - Kathie - you know who you are! Look what she sent me

I'm so excited and thankful. And yes - ordered the background and I'm WAITING for it. Patience is a virtue and no one has ever called me virtuous!
Two things to finish with. One - stay tuned for some very exciting news (actually it's exciting for me and hopefully it will be for you also). I thought it deserved it's own post and besides I have to cook dinner now.
Two - I thought I would indulge myself and show you the two most beautiful things I've made

aren't they beautiful - really - it's not just me is it? The big one is in VCE (last year of high school) and was off to his formal. The little one is in year 8 and was off to a play with her friends - no adults required thanks! They haven't really got red eyes - I just need a little photo practice.
Well that was my perfect weekend - hope yours was also perfect. And stay tuned for the exciting news!