and it's great to be home! I do like to travel - but I also like to be here! Of course it has been a bit hectic with the upcoming show - but all the quilts that have been "on the go" are now "gone" and I have spent a couple of hours tidying up the mess that has been left. Seems a bit emptier now - but in a good way.
Most of the quilts were delivered to Linda this afternoon, with Merri, Clare and Kerry delivering theirs over the next few days. There was quite a pile when I left. Linda's property is truly gorgeous, we had a look around the "barn" and thought about how many quilts we would be able to hang. It's very exciting - I can't wait. Thank you so much Linda for inviting us this year.
If you would like the details of the show they are
here and
here. We would all (the SSS and Linda and what sounds like an amazing team of friends) love to see you there - did I say how much I'm looking forward to it and how excited I am? I did? Oh.
For our international friends, I'm afraid we can't find a way to sell you raffle tickets - bummer - but I'm winning the raffle quilt anyway - what can I tell you. I will try to remember to take my camera and get some photos of the quilts.
For my part - I'm contributing only three quilts - DNQTTT, Blue and Pennsylvania. I had grand plans, but time got the better of me. But there are soooooo many other beautiful quilts I'm not too sad. I picked up Pennsylvania last weekend - this one was beautifully quilted by Katrina of Katrina's Quilting. I'm really happy with the way this quilt has come together. A few pics for you.

Couldn't get high enough for a flat shot. But I did take a few close ups so you can see the quilting.

The central panel. Love the wreath in the centre.

A couple of blocks - free form feathers and swirly bits.

And a blurry shot of the corner.
It's been a good year for finishes. But my fingers are itching to start some new things and I've spent the week fantasizing about what I should do next. Had a few things kicking around in my head. The new website
"Glorious Applique" has been getting my attention, but I was also wanting to do something traditional. So I have decided to do both! When Kim McLean's Lollipop trees pattern first came out a few years ago - I just loved it. Bought the pattern and kit from Glorious Color, and decided to use a chocolate background (yes chocolate covered lollipops!). I prepared most of the big blocks and then got distracted - so it has been waiting for me for a couple of years. And then the temptress Di, said she was going to do a new version of an old favourite - "why don't you join me?" Well how could I say no? I couldn't, so Homage to Sallie Ann will be my repro fix. Di helped me choose some beautiful fabrics today - so I'm off and running on these two little (ahem) projects. Oh and Phebe I'm planning to finish by end of 2010. No pressure though.
So sat tuned for some photos of these new projects over the next weeks and months, probably with a little bit of old stuff thrown in for good measure.
Oh yes - travel stories. Well it was hard work (10-12 hour work days) but also enjoyable. Rather than fill up the blog with photos, I have put them on flickr for those who would like to see. I'll also try to put some comments in. But just to prove I went somewhere, a couple of shots of beautiful Gaudi from Barcelona. Paris shots on Flickr.