Well nearly but I couldn't wait any longer to show you how it was coming on. The four applique borders are now attached and I am working at the corners - there are applique pieces that go over the mitre. Since I took the photo, I have completed the top two corners and now just have the bottom to do, so hopefully by the weekend it should be done. I have also finished 3/4 of the next pink dogtooth borders, so things should move along quickly - fingers crossed.
It's not often that I'm this focussed. Having a deadline, and the blog has helped me stay on track.But now my mind has started to wander on to the next applique project, since there will be no more hand sewing to do for Phebe. Do you do this too? Think about the next 10 projects before you have finished the current one? I can't help myself - need to keep looking forward. So many things out there to tempt me - and then some ideas of my own. Who knows...................
Anyway - just a quick post for today to show you Phebe. We are up to the lovely Sue's this weekend for SSS. I do love going to Sue's - she really spoils us - she is such a great cook and generous person. I have a special Morrell quilt edition planned for the SSS blog - and we will be taking some photos this Saturday, so stay tuned over there next week.
Until then - I hope you are enjoying your now as well as planning for your then.
PS> Do you like my new do? I wanted to change my header photo so I needed a new background. Looks quite dramatic I think.